Calculation of solar radiation absorption by ozone in the atmosphere of Thailand

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Sayan Phokate


This research work aims to calculate of solar radiation absorption by ozone in the atmosphere of Thailand. Theamount of ozone collected by Department of Meteorology Bangkok during years 1989-2010 were used to calculateand analyze absorption of solar radiation by ozone. The results show that amount of ozone are varied by differentseason. Ozone are decreasing in winter months (October – February) but gradually increasing in summer season.However, amount of ozone found in rainy season is higher than in winter. The calculated solar radiation absorptionby ozone was found averagely 0.0219. The values of the absorption by ozone were relatively high in the dryseason (November-February) but were likely to decrease in the rainy season (March- October). Moreover, therelation between the absorption by ozone and the monthly average ozone was relatively high.

Keywords : Solar radiation absorption, Ozone, Ultraviolet

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How to Cite
Phokate, S. (2012). Calculation of solar radiation absorption by ozone in the atmosphere of Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(4), 359–363. retrieved from