Risks of accidents in construction works and risk management for unsafe acts: the case study of construction projects in Uttaradit Rajabhat University

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Siwat Kamonkunanon


This research paper presents risks of accidents, injuries from accidents, and risk management in constructionwork. This study focused on unsafe acts from 10 jobs; 1) concrete framework, 2) welding job, 3) bonding bar job,4) masonry job, 5) painting job, 6) bending bar job, 7) cutting bar job, 8) pouring concrete job, 9) carryingmaterial job and 10) scaffolding job. The study found that the risk in low level was 11.3%, medium level was62.9%, high level was 24.2%, and very high risk was 1.6%. There was only one job, cutting bar job which was invery high level of risk and there were 6 jobs in high level of risk such as scaffolding job, pouring concrete job,painting job, carrying material job, masonry job and bending bar job. All of 7 jobs must be managed to controlrisks in construction work by using safety activities which are appropriated in any jobs concluding in 3 terms; 1)management of appropriated personal protective equipments (PPE), 2) management of working area, and 3)management of equipments, hand tools, or machines in working. Moreover, an encouragement in term ofconcerning in safety is an important strategy for safety management in construction work. When applying 4safety programs, workers concern in safety issue. Moreover, the testing score of knowledge in term of personalprotective equipment increased from 4.96 to 7.00 points (sig. 0.05). When applying safety program in cutting barjob, the risk decreased to be 6 (in medium level) and when applying emergency plan, there are 5 activities fortaking a patient to a hospital between 16 to 22 minutes.

Keywords : Risk of accident, Unsafe act, Injury, Personal protective equipment, Safety management

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How to Cite
Kamonkunanon, S. (2012). Risks of accidents in construction works and risk management for unsafe acts: the case study of construction projects in Uttaradit Rajabhat University. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(4), 347–357. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/4606