Cane cleaning in sugar processing

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Suphan Yangyuen


Generally, several types of contaminants are found in sugar processing e.g. stone, soil, sand, leaves, top and steel etc. The cleaning or separation of contaminants is conducting before being processed in cane extraction. The cleaning machine is installed between side and main conveyor. There are 2 types for cane cleaning: dry and wet methods. The dry cleaning can be used in several methods such as air blow, screening and tyned drum. For the wet cleaning, water is used for washing. However, several cleaning methods can be combined to increase the efficiency of contaminant separation.

Keywords : Sugar cane, Contaminate,Sugar processing,Dry cleaning

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How to Cite
Yangyuen, S. (2012). Cane cleaning in sugar processing. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(2), 195–202. retrieved from