Applying the decision trial and evaluation laboratory method as a decision tool for an effective safety management system in aviation transport

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Sunday Ayoola Oke
Ifeanyichukwu Ebubechukwu Onyegiri


In recent years, weak engineering controls and lapses in the aviation industry associated with safety management systems (SMSs) have been responsible for seemingly unprecedented disasters. A previous study confirmed the difficulties experienced by safety managers with SMSs and the need to direct research to this area of investigation for more insights and progress in the evaluation and maintenance of SMSs. The purpose of this work is to examine the application of the Decision Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method to the aviation industry in developing countries, illustrating the Nigerian aviation survey data for the validation of the method. The advantage of this procedure over other decision making methods is in its ability to apply feedback in decision making. It also affords us the opportunity of breaking down complex aviation SMS components and elements that are multi-variate in nature through analysis of their contributions from the perspective of cause and effects. This in turn yields easier and more effective aviation transportation accident pre-corrective actions. In this work, six revised components of an SMS were identified and DEMATEL was applied to obtain their direct and indirect impacts and influences on the overall SMS performance. Data collection was by a survey questionnaire, which served as the initial direct-relationship matrix, coded in Matlab software for establishing an impact relation map (IRM). The IRM was then plotted in an Excel spreadsheet. From our results, the safety structure and regulations had the highest positive impact on an SMS. The results agree with those of previous researchers who used grey relational analysis. Thus, DEMATEL serves as a valid tool and resource for safety managers.

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How to Cite
Oke, S. A., & Onyegiri, I. E. (2016). Applying the decision trial and evaluation laboratory method as a decision tool for an effective safety management system in aviation transport. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 43(4), 166–171. retrieved from
Author Biography

Sunday Ayoola Oke, Department of Mechanical Engineering University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria

Oke teaches in the Department of Mechanical Engineering,

University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria


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