Cost Reduction in Fast Lamination Process in Electronic Parts Manufacturing

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Watchara Tong-Ngok
Atcharawadee Thongwisate


The objective of this research is to study the cost reduction of Labour cost and Overhead cost in Fast Lamfnation process in an Electronic parts manufacturing at least 2 % and improvement productive of Fast Lamination process. The methods used in this study are that of the Work study to eliminate all unnecessary work and combine operations or element technique and application of Design of Experiment to optimize parameter on Fast Lamination process, implement new st.andard procedure. This research is study on A product and period of produce for this product is 6 years. Operation forecast is 15,600.000 pes/year and using cost amount I 06,404,480 baht. The result of this study show that increasing productivity to 64.76 % and reduced cost per unit from 6.82 baht to 6.08 baht (10.85% reduction).lt reduced cost of operation around 11,544.000

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How to Cite
Tong-Ngok, W., & Thongwisate, A. (2015). Cost Reduction in Fast Lamination Process in Electronic Parts Manufacturing. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 32(2), 251–289. retrieved from