Model predictive control in light naphtha distillation column of gasoline hydrogenation process

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Kornkrit Chiewchanchairat
Pornchai Bumroongsri
Soorathep Kheawhom


The main scope of this research is for designing and implementing of model predictive control (MPC) on the light naphtha distillation column of gasoline hydrogenation process. This model is designed by using robust multivariable predictive control technology (RMPCT). The performance of MPC controller is better than PID controllers 32.1 % those are comparing by using as the same of objective function and also in the MPC controller can be used for steam optimization that is shown in this research, stream consumption is reduced 6.6 Kg/ m3 of fresh feed.

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How to Cite
Chiewchanchairat, K., Bumroongsri, P., & Kheawhom, S. (2015). Model predictive control in light naphtha distillation column of gasoline hydrogenation process. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 42(1), 107–115. retrieved from