Green extraction of anthocyanins from roselle: A comparative evaluation of extraction techniques and solvents

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Raihanah Roslan
Muhammad Azri Mohamad Fauzi
Natashah Emira Ahmad Amran
Syamila Mansor
Kiki Adi Kurnia
Muhammad Syafiq Hazwan Ruslan


Due to the abundance of roselle in nature, the potential of the roselle to be a source of natural colorant with high anthocyanin content was explored. Moreover, in conjunction with the 12 principles and practices of Green Chemistry, one of the promising solvents that can offer greenness is deep eutectics solvents (DESs) with broad tunability and high selectivity as an alternative to volatile organic solvents. DESs are solvents comprising a combination of hydrogen bond acceptors (HBA) and hydrogen bond donors (HBD) with lower melting points than their parents’ salts. Therefore, this study explored the potential of DESs as an additive to water as solvents for the extraction of total anthocyanins content (TAC) from roselle extracts. By optimizing extraction parameters, including the best DESs, solid-to-solvent ratio, particle size, and extraction method, this study identified the most effective conditions. Based on the results obtained, the best solvents were choline chloride and triethylene glycol at a ratio of (1:1). Meanwhile, the best solid-to-solvent ratio is 1:15 (g/g). Furthermore, this study obtained the best extraction condition at 750 µm of average particle size using ultrasonic-assisted extraction (UAE) with a yield of 119.02 mg/L cyanidin-3-glucoside equivalence (GCE). As a result, UAE is a promising way to get anthocyanins out of roselle, using DESs as an extra solvent and following the set experimental rules. This study highlights the potential of DESs and the UAE to recover valuable compounds from natural sources and promote sustainable and environmentally friendly practices.

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How to Cite
Roslan, R., Mohamad Fauzi, M. A., Ahmad Amran, N. E., Mansor, S., Kurnia, K. A., & Ruslan, M. S. H. (2025). Green extraction of anthocyanins from roselle: A comparative evaluation of extraction techniques and solvents. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 52(2), 135–147. retrieved from
Author Biography

Muhammad Syafiq Hazwan Ruslan, School of Chemical Engineering, College of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia




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