The effect of a leachate collection ditch on natural attenuation of heavy metal migration from an open dump landfill: An indication from sequential extraction

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Krongkaew Mighanetara
Pranitda Peng-ngiw
Rattiyaporn Jaidee


Open dump landfills are recognised as potential sources of heavy metal (HM) contamination. Their migration to the wider environment is largely controlled by their speciation; and in this study, results from sequential extraction, pH values and organic matter contents in soils around an open dump landfill and sediments in a leachate collection ditch were investigated in order to study the attenuation processes that lead to a decrease in HM mobility. The results revealed that Cu and Zn leached from the landfill were largely retained by sediments in the collection ditch and mostly bound to organic fraction. A simple mass balance suggested that, in comparison to other sources, HM accumulation in soils that resulted from the landfill was relatively low for Cu and relatively high for Zn. The concentrations observed were within safe limits according to the Thai standard for non-residential soil. This study showed that a leachate collection ditch plays an important role in minimising HM migration. Monitoring and further studies on fate and migration pathways of pollutants from open dump landfills, in particular to those underlain by different geologic settings to our study are needed to develop cost-effective measures to prevent/minimise the effect of landfill leachate and ensure that the environment surrounding landfill sites is safe.

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How to Cite
Mighanetara, K., Peng-ngiw, P., & Jaidee, R. (2024). The effect of a leachate collection ditch on natural attenuation of heavy metal migration from an open dump landfill: An indication from sequential extraction. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(3), 409–418. retrieved from


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