Mechanical and thermophysical analysis of B2 structured ferromagnetic materials
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The temperature dependent thermophysical, mechanical and ultrasonic properties of B2 structured ferromagnetic materials MTi (M: Fe, Co, Ni) have been evaluated in present study. The Coulomb and Born-Mayer potential model has been applied to calculate second and third order elastic constants in the temperature range 0-300K. The values of second order elastic constants have been used to find the mechanical and thermophysical properties. The chosen materials have been found ductile as the value of Pugh’s indicator for MTi has been found greater than 1.75. The FeTi has been found more stable than CoTi and NiTi. The mechanical constants have been found highest for FeTi. Again, the values of elastic stiffness constants have been used to compute the ultrasonic velocities, Debye average velocities, Debye temperatures, thermal conductivities and Grüneisen parameters along <100>, <110> and <111> directions for the longitudinal and shear modes of wave propagation. The ultrasonic velocities have been observed more for longitudinal mode than shear mode. The ultrasonic velocities and Debye temperatures are found to be highest along <100> direction for all chosen materials. Hence <100> direction would be most suitable for the wave propagation in case of MTi. The obtained values of elastic, mechanical, thermophysical and ultrasonic properties have been compared with existing literatures and discussed.
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