Investigating the effectiveness of integral crystalline waterproofing and microstructural analysis: A case study of national convention building basement

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Warun Na Songkhla
Kwanchanok Oonta-on
Gritsada Sua-iam


Water permeability poses a significant challenge in underground concrete structures. This study investigates the effectiveness of integral crystalline waterproofing (ICW) in improving water impermeability and its impact on microstructural properties. The research focuses on a case study of a national convention building basement with a thickness of 100 cm. Concrete cylinders were drilled and divided into ICW-coated samples and control samples subjected to various curing conditions. Water absorption, mechanical properties, and microstructure characteristics were analyzed. The results indicate that ICW reduces water absorption compared to non-coated specimens. The compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests demonstrate that the specimens coated with ICW exhibit higher values, suggesting enhanced concrete quality and decreased porosity. SEM-EDS analysis detected titanium compounds, introduced by ICW, which successfully penetrated the concrete matrix. Interestingly, titanium, not typically found in cement compositions, was present due to the ICW material. Titanium compounds were detected at shallower depths under dry curing conditions, suggesting localized penetration. However, with water curing, titanium compounds were found throughout the depth profiles. These findings highlight the importance of proper application and curing conditions for optimal ICW performance.

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How to Cite
Na Songkhla, W., Oonta-on, K., & Sua-iam, G. (2024). Investigating the effectiveness of integral crystalline waterproofing and microstructural analysis: A case study of national convention building basement. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(3), 362–375. retrieved from


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