Experimental study of geotechnical behaviour of different shell foundations on unreinforced and reinforced sandy soil
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This paper presents the performance of three types of small-scale shell foundations (pyramidal frustum, semi-cylindrical and prismatic shell) of the same plan area on different states of sand provided with or without reinforcement. To understand the effect of reinforcement and its dependency on the vertical embedment depth, two cases were considered, i.e. reinforcement at a depth equal to 0.5 B (B=width of foundation) and another case at a depth equal to B. Bearing capacity for different shell foundations models and settlement behaviour were studied based on the load settlement curves and compared with that of conventional flat foundation model. The experimental results show that shell models perform better than the flat foundation model in terms of bearing capacity and settlement resistance on the different states of sand with or without reinforcement. The relationship of ultimate load with the angle of internal friction was found. Reinforcement embedded at 0.5B depth was found to be better than provided at B depth in all the states of sand. It is also noticed that the bearing capacity ratio is lower for the sand reinforced at a depth of B than that of 0.5B, showing the dependency on reinforcement embedment depth.
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