Application of 5D building information modeling using Cubicost in estimating construction structure work costs (Case study: Emergency Room and Hemodialysis Building at Waras Wiris Local General Hospital of Boyolali, Indonesia)

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Canggih Gilang Pradana Hardi Saputra
Delista Putri Deni
'Ilma Alfianarrochmah
Oktavia Kurnianingsih
Ardia Tiara Rahmi
Kholis Hapsari Pratiwi
Tri Susanto
Slamet Jauhari Legowo
Fendi Hary Yanto
Ramadhan Widy Pratama
Rainy Shinta Nur Halimah


In construction projects, quantity take-off is an important process that must be considered because it will substantially impact the estimate of the overall project cost. The components that make up the structure of a building are very complex, so time inefficiencies and accuracy in calculating the volume of work often occur, which are fatal to construction costs. Therefore, in this study, an analysis of the application of 5D BIM in construction projects was carried out to identify its effectiveness, accuracy, and efficiency in determining the quantity take-off. The 5D BIM application used in this case is 5D BIM Cubicost TAS to determine the quantity take-off of concrete and formwork and 5D BIM Cubicost TRB to determine the quantity take-off of reinforcement in detail. The research method used was a comparative analysis method of the use of 5D BIM and conventional applications. The object of this research was the construction project of the Emergency Room and Hemodialysis Building at Waras Wiris Local General Hospital of Boyolali. The analysis shows that the 5D BIM Cubicost TAS and TRB efficiency in structure work was IDR 220,526,781.12 or 9.254%.

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How to Cite
Hardi Saputra, C. G. P., Deni, D. P., Alfianarrochmah, ’Ilma, Kurnianingsih, O., Rahmi, A. T., Pratiwi, K. H., Susanto, T., Legowo, S. J., Yanto, F. H., Pratama, R. W., & Halimah, R. S. N. (2024). Application of 5D building information modeling using Cubicost in estimating construction structure work costs (Case study: Emergency Room and Hemodialysis Building at Waras Wiris Local General Hospital of Boyolali, Indonesia). Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(3), 276–285. retrieved from


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