Influence of laminar and turbulent flow on signal response of gas sensors in electronic nose chamber for detecting rancid odor in brown rice (cv. Khao Dawk Mali 105)

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Phongprapan Kantakaew
Damorn Bundhurat
Viboon Changrue
Natawut Neamsorn


The aim of this research was to investigate the influence of flow pattern of the gas carrier inside the electronic nose chamber on the response rate of the signal from an array of gas sensors. The gas sensors in the electronic nose chamber were tested with laminar flow and turbulent flow. The principles of Reynolds number and the Navier-Stokes equation were employed to calculate and model the airflow in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The simulated airflow was compared to the actual airflow using smoke as a visual indicator to indicate the type of flow. Variables and conditions derived from the flow patterns were used in an actual experiment of electronic nose to detect specific odor compounds in brown rice (cv. KDML105). The six sensors were installed in an electronic nose chamber. The signals from the experiment were then used to determine the most effective sensor response between laminar and turbulent flow. Significantly different results were observed between the two flow patterns with a p-value < 0.05 for five out of six sensors. Additionally, the analysis of the rate of signal change indicated that the laminar flow pattern had higher values compared to the turbulent flow pattern.

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How to Cite
Kantakaew, P., Bundhurat, D. ., Changrue, V. ., & Neamsorn, N. . (2024). Influence of laminar and turbulent flow on signal response of gas sensors in electronic nose chamber for detecting rancid odor in brown rice (cv. Khao Dawk Mali 105). Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(2), 224–234. retrieved from


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