Evaluating limit of detection and quantification for higher heating value and ultimate analysis of fast-growing trees and agricultural residues biomass using NIRS
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Accurate non-destructive assessment of biomass energy properties is essential for optimizing its use as an alternative fuel. In this study, 200 biomass samples were used to determine higher heating value (HHV) and 120 biomass samples for analyzing ultimate analysis parameters using near-infrared spectroscopy within the full wavenumber range of 12489.48 – 3594.87 cm-1. The samples were grounded, and five different types of partial least squares regression (PLSR) models were developed using traditional preprocessing, multi-preprocessing (MP) with 5 range, MP with 3 range, genetic algorithm, and successive projection algorithm. Limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were calculated using the best-performing model among five different PLSR models for HHV in kJ/kg, as well as the weight percentage (wt.%) of carbon (C), oxygen (O), hydrogen (H), and nitrogen (N). The LOD and LOQ for HHV were calculated as 622.42 kJ/kg and 1886.13 kJ/kg, respectively. Additionally, LOD and LOQ for ultimate analysis parameters, including C, O, H, and N were calculated as: 3.24 weight percentage (wt.%) and 9.81 wt.% for C, 2.04 wt.% and 6.18 wt.% for O, 0.35 wt.% and 1.05 wt.% for H, and 0.22 wt.% and 0.68 wt.% for N. The LOD and LOQ values for HHV, C, O, and H were lower than the minimum reference values used for model development, demonstrating the models’ high sensitivity and potential to reliably detect and precisely quantify these parameters. However, the LOD and LOQ values exceeded the minimum reference value used during model development for the N, indicating that the selected models have certain limitations in assessing the N content in biomass. The sample range should be expanded for wt.% of N to enhance the model’s performance, surpassing the LOD and LOQ values. This will improve the overall sensitivity of the model for reliable detection and quantification of N content in biomass samples.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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