Fixed-structure heading-autopilot controller design using meta-heuristics

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Nattapong Ruenruedeepan
Pakin Champasak
Natee Panagant
Nantiwat Pholdee
Sujin Bureerat


This work presents an alternative efficient means to synthesise a fixed-structure autopilot controller that is both robust and optimal using meta-heuristics (MHs). The problem is aimed at finding controllers in several sections with the objective of minimising integral square error, subject to several constraints to ensure a robust, precise, and rapid reference tracking control system. An optimum control problem was posed while several MHs were employed to solve the problem, and their performances were investigated. Based on the results, a Self-Adaptive Differential Evolution (JADE) was found to be the most efficient algorithm. The study presents a simple but effective tool for designing a robust and optimum autopilot flight controller. It also explores the performance of several MHs in the new optimisation design field of robust and optimal flight control systems.

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How to Cite
Ruenruedeepan, N. ., Champasak, P. ., Panagant, N. ., Pholdee, N., & Bureerat, S. (2023). Fixed-structure heading-autopilot controller design using meta-heuristics. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(1), 34–41. retrieved from


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