Calculation of optimum interstage pressure of two-stage CO2 compression using cubic equations of state
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CO2 has been widely used as a working fluid in power generation and refrigeration systems and multistage compression is one important process in these systems. To save energy consumption, the compression should be conducted at optimum interstage pressure. In this work, a model to find the optimum interstage pressure for two-stage CO2 compression is studied. Use of cubic equations of state in the model is investigated and compared its result with the result from using a multiparameter equation of state, called SW equation of state. The compression in a subcritical region and from a subcritical to a supercritical region are investigated. The results of this study show that the cubic equations of state, except van der Waals equation of state, can generally predict the CO2 density and thermal expansivity with satisfied accuracy. The optimum interstage pressures obtained from the model using Redlich-Kwong, Peng-Robinson, and Redlich-Kwong-Soave equations of state are close to that using SW equation of state. The average absolute percentage difference (AAPD) from the comparison showed that these three cubic equations of state have AAPD less than 0.6% and 0.9% for the subcritical and transcritical compressions, respectively. The result of the study also shows that when the optimum interstage pressure is higher than the critical pressure, the optimum interstage pressure slightly increases with increasing the outlet pressure of the second-stage compressor.
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