Synthesis of epoxy oil from Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) using acetic acid and amberlite resin IR-120 as catalyst

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Andri Saputra
Pani Satwikanitya
Fitria Puspita
Muh Wahyu Sya'bani
Mertza Fitra Agustian
Wisnu Pambudi


Several reports showed that the high unsaturated fatty acids present in waste cooking oil (WCO) held significant potential as a valuable raw material for the production of epoxy oil. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a method for effectively utilizing WCO in the synthesis of epoxy oil with acetic acid and amberlite resin IR-20 as catalyst. The synthesis process involved the use of a reflux method at 60oC with various epoxidation times (4, 6, and 8 hours) on a batch scale. The materials used included hydrogen peroxide, glacial acetic acid (homogeneous catalyst), and amberlite resin IR-120 (heterogeneous catalyst) with different mass ratio of WCO to amberlite resin IR-120 (100:0; 100:1.58; 100:3.15; and 100:6.3). The functional group analysis results using the Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectrophotometer showed the presence of stretching vibrations of the epoxy group (C-O-C) at 850-830 cm-1 and 1240 cm-1. Increasing the ratio of WCO to amberlite resin IR-120 from 100:0 to 100:3.15 led to a decrease in iodine number and an increase in oxirane number. A further increase in the ratio to 100:6.3 provided an increase in the iodine number and a decrease in the oxirane number. Furthermore, the highest oxirane number was achieved with a 100:3.15 ratio of WCO to amberlite resin IR-120. Based on the results, an increment in the epoxidation time from 4 hours to 8 hours led to a decrease in the iodine number and an increase in the oxirane number. The highest oxirane number of 2.4159% was achieved with a 100:3.15 ratio of WCO to amberlite resin IR-120 for 8 hours.

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How to Cite
Saputra, A., Satwikanitya, P. ., Puspita, F. ., Sya’bani, M. W., Agustian, M. F. ., & Pambudi, W. . (2023). Synthesis of epoxy oil from Waste Cooking Oil (WCO) using acetic acid and amberlite resin IR-120 as catalyst. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 50(4), 335–342. retrieved from


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