Multi criteria study of thermal insulation techniques based on natural insulators for exterior walls of buildings

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Slimane Ziad
Imane Benoudjafer
Ibtissam Benoudjafer


The objective of this paper is to propose different solutions and techniques for local residential constructions in desert regions characterized by a hot and arid climate. These solutions aim to solve the problem of thermal discomfort of the occupants during winter and summer, and to minimize energy loads due to heating and cooling systems. This can lead to significant long-term annual energy savings. To achieve this goal, three conventional external thermal insulation (ETI) systems for opaque walls based on natural insulators (hemp fiber and sheep wool) under different techniques (under coating, under cladding, and a combination of the two insulators) were selected. The evaluation and study of these ETI systems was carried out using "TRNSYS" software. A technical-economic study was also carried out for all the systems tested, in order to determine the actual savings achieved. The results obtained show that the combined insulation system (hemp fiber and sheep wool) is the best performing solution among the proposed systems, with an average cost.

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How to Cite
Ziad, S. ., Benoudjafer, I., & Benoudjafer, I. (2024). Multi criteria study of thermal insulation techniques based on natural insulators for exterior walls of buildings. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 51(1), 80–87. retrieved from


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