Solving vehicle routing problem for waste disposal using modified differential evolution algorithm: A case study of waste disposal in Thailand
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The aim of this study is to present a modified differential evolution (MDE) approach for solving the vehicle routing problem for waste disposal trucks by considering the routes that the vehicles take and their fuel consumption in order to obtain the lowest fuel consumption. The problem is complicated since there are several waste disposal sites, various waste types, various vehicle types, and various transport route speed specifications. In this study, three MDE techniques were employed: (1) the CR was set at 0.5 during the recombination phase and used the MDE-1 simulated annealing (SA) selection procedure, (2) the SA selection method was specified as MDE-2, and the self-adjusting CR value was adjusted from 0.9 to 0.1 in the recombination process, and (3) the recombination process was set up using a primitive selection process that is specified as MDE-3, and the CR value is set to automatically shift from 0.9 to 0.1. These three proposed models were tested with five small problems, five medium problems, and five large problems. The results showed that the proposed methods could solve the problem appropriately. In addition, three proposed models were tested with real data from a case study. The results showed that the MDE-1 method provided the best solution, followed by the MDE-2, MDE-3, and DE method, respectively.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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