Prioritization of sustainable urban land use and transport policy measures for a small-town area in a developing country
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A decision-making tool (DMT) combining the KonSULT knowledge base expert system (KBES), AHP, and TOPSIS is applied to create, rank, and select policy measure options for sustainable urban land use and transport development in Khon Kaen University (KKU) in Thailand. KKU represents a small-town area in a developing country. KonSULT KBES is used to create potential policy measure options and provide contribution scores of each option to all minor criteria. AHP is adopted to estimate the relative weights of all decision criteria. TOPSIS is subsequently utilized to determine the composite scores of all options. Such estimated composite scores are eventually used to disclose the prioritization of those options. It is found that 22 (81%) out of the total of 27 policy measure options proposed by DMT are in the completely implemented, the being implemented, and the planning stages in KKU. Therefore, DMT can be applied to generate, prioritize, and select suitable urban land use and transport options for a small-town area (KKU) in Thailand. The ranking order of the top 10 most suitable policy measure options in KKU is pedestrian areas and routes, accident remedial measures, segregated cycle facilities, land use to support public transport, cycle and pedestrian safety, cycle network, school travel plans, traffic calming measures, development density and mix, and promotional activities. Finally, DMT can be utilized to advise administrators and decision-makers to undertake appropriate actions and properly allocate a limited budget for the implementation of such options in any small-town area in any developing country.
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