Fibre reinforced alkali activated composites exposed to elevated temperature
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This work aims to reveal the effect of fibres on the strength and durability of alkali activated composites (AAC). AAC specimens were prepared by alkali activation of Ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS). Two types of fibres i.e. micro steel (~237.8µm) and polypropylene (~32.06µm) were used as reinforcement. The properties of fibre reinforced AAC specimens were compared with those of fibre reinforced ordinary portland cement (OPC) counterparts. AAC specimens yielded higher compressive and tensile strength than OPC specimens. Fibre reinforced specimens exhibited improved strength over those without fibres. Specimens reinforced with polypropylene fibre showed better performance in terms of water absorption, and apparent porosity. This may be attributed to the finer size of polypropylene fibres. The specimens were then exposed to elevated temperatures up to 900ºC. Compressive strength was observed to decrease after exposure to elevated temperatures in both AAC and OPC specimens. OPC specimens completely crumbled upon reaching 900ºC while AAC specimens remained intact with appearance of surface cracks. From the present study, it is concluded that fibre reinforcement leads to significant increase in strength and size of fibres controls the durability of the specimens.
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