Characterization and mechanical properties of AA1100 aluminium alloy coated on a metakaolin substrate produced by the spot friction surfacing process
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The aim of this research was to demonstrate the properties of a thin, high purity aluminium AA1100 layer coated on a metakaolin substrate deposited using a spot friction surfacing process. Under the coating parameters, an AA1100 layer continuously adhered to a metakaolin substrate. Cracking of the substrate was not observed. Although surface roughness (Rz) of metakaolin at the Al/Metakaolin interface was reduced by 15.66% after friction surfacing, mechanical interlocking can be observed. There was no evidence of macro-or micro-cracking on the post-process substrate. The electrical resistance values were uniform in all directions. The average thickness of the AA1100 coating layer was less than 1 micron. After processing, both the average hardness and the modulus of the AA1100 coating layer increased. Furthermore, the maximum temperature during the process measured by infrared thermography was lower than the AA1100 recrystallization temperature. Compression residual stress on the AA1100 coating layer, estimated using an X-ray diffraction method, was-27.20 MPa.
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