Investigation of concrete blocks mixed with recycled crumb rubber: A case study in Thailand

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Nuttawut Intaboot
Prachya Kanbua


This research examined the improvement and development of concrete block properties for masonry wall construction. The study aimed to make improvements in the physical and mechanical properties as well as the strengths of heat resistance and sound absorption in building. Waste materials such as crushed tires were used for concrete block production. The crushed tires were used as crumb rubber in replacement of sand. This concept used the advantages of rubber properties, such as being lightweight, having low thermal conductivity and good sound absorption as well as high flexibility, which can improve and develop the properties of concrete blocks. This study used crumb rubber in replacement of sand at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%. The density, water absorption, porosity, compressive strength, stress-strain relationship, static modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity, and sound absorption were tested. The results found that the increasing in crumb rubber contents decreased the density and increased the water absorption and porosity of concrete block. The compressive strength, static modulus of elasticity, thermal conductivity decreased while flexibility and sound absorption increased with the increasing in crumb rubber contents. Therefore, crumb rubber concrete blocks suitable for the development of wall building materials and can reduce the impact on the environment as well.

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How to Cite
Intaboot, N. ., & Kanbua, P. . (2021). Investigation of concrete blocks mixed with recycled crumb rubber: A case study in Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 49(3), 413–424. retrieved from


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