Comparative study on path interval determinations in filleted end milling

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Tsutomu Sekine
Kyoko Kameya


This study provides several findings obtained from the comparisons of path interval determinations in filleted end milling with a tool inclination. CNC milling machine is one of the core technologies in practical manufacturing. Computer-aided technologies have contributed to the technological advancement. Tool path generation in computer-aided manufacturing is really important for CNC milling process. Although there are a lot of parameters treated in tool path generation, path interval is one of the influential factors in considering the balance between manufacturing efficiency and machined surface feature. A path interval determination in filleted end milling always includes the intersection problems with mathematical complexities in essence. To overcome the complexities, the related studies have been made so far. However, it is considerably difficult to search a study comparing the path interval determinations of filleted end milling, and this fact is making it difficult to select a suitable path interval determination in practice. Accordingly, this study focused on comparing four possible procedures of the path interval determinations. After the comparative discussions were made using the results using the four possible procedures, the several findings were revealed according to the explicit evidences.

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How to Cite
Sekine, T. ., & Kameya, K. . (2021). Comparative study on path interval determinations in filleted end milling. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 49(3), 373–380. retrieved from


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