Workstation improvement to reduce muscle aches during silk degumming and dyeing in silk weaving profession in Nakhon Ratchasima province

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Manote Rithinyo
Poranee Loatong
Kamonthip Maichum
Surakiat Parichatnon


Silk degumming and dyeing are considered high ergonomics risk procedures for workers because they have to stand working, bent and perk their faces, twist their bodies, and wrists during the processes. These affect the Surface Electromyography (sEMG) especially the lower back which is a significant problem affecting the production efficiency, and workers' health and safety. This study aims at improving the workstation to reduce muscle aches during silk degumming and dyeing in the silk weaving procession in Nakhon Ratchasima province. The data was collected using anthropometric measurements for standing work on 400 workers in silk degumming and dyeing. The data was used to improve the degumming and dyeing aid equipment.  The study found that degumming and dyeing using the traditional degumming and dyeing equipment gave a higher sEMG rate and amplitude of upper trapezius muscles than the degumming and dyeing aid equipment. This meant higher tissue load and muscular fatigue. This could reduce the time for the silk degumming and dyeing at the rate of 30.09%.

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How to Cite
Rithinyo, M. ., Loatong, P. ., Maichum, K. ., & Parichatnon, S. . (2021). Workstation improvement to reduce muscle aches during silk degumming and dyeing in silk weaving profession in Nakhon Ratchasima province. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 49(1), 112–118. retrieved from


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