Extended technology acceptance model for Indonesian mobile wallet: Structural equation modeling approach

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Ronald Sukwadi
Laurensia Sant Caroline
Gary Yu-Hsin Chen


Industrial developments that occurred today are fast; we are living in an era of sophisticated technology. Indonesia ranked second (24.3%) among countries where the adoption of mobile payment apps is growing most fast. One of the most developed services is the mobile wallet. Observing this phenomenon, researchers decided to examine what factors influence mobile wallet adoption and whether the offers made by mobile wallet platforms affect the adoption of technology. This research employs an extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to understand what influences the intention to adopt the mobile wallet. We investigated those variables-perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, social influence, mobility and price sensitivity. Online questionnaires were distributed, and a sample of 221 respondents was collected for analysis through the structural equation model (SEM) approach with AMOS software. The findings from the study revealed that perceived ease of use, social influence, and mobility significantly impact society's behavioral intention to adopt mobile wallets. In contrast, perceived usefulness and perceived risk do not significantly impact society to adopt a mobile wallet. Perceived ease of use, social influence, and mobility have a positive relationship with adopting a mobile wallet. However, the price sensitivity variable was eliminated.

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How to Cite
Sukwadi, R., Sant Caroline, L. ., & Chen, G. Y.-H. . (2021). Extended technology acceptance model for Indonesian mobile wallet: Structural equation modeling approach. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 49(2), 146–154. Retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/243797


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