Creep behaviors of ASTM A36 welded joints

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Pavaret Preedawiphat
Numpon Mahayotsanun
Keerati Sa-ngoen
Mai Noipitak
Pongsak Tuengsook
Sedthawatt Sucharitpwatskul
Kuniaki Dohda


This research work aimed to observe the creep behaviors of the ASTM A36 welded joints. The microstructure and hardness of the base zone (BZ), heat affected zone (HAZ), and weld fusion zone (WFZ) were measured. Afterward, the residual stresses on the welded plate were observed to determine any lead to fatigue failure. The hot tensile tests were then performed to investigate the welded specimens' creep behaviors at varied strain rates and temperatures. The power-law model was applied to describe the creep behaviors at each testing condition. Finally, the scanning electron microscopic (SEM) images of the tested specimens were observed to identify breakage causes. The creep results showed that the weakest locations were found in the base (A36) zones. The areas prone to ductile fracture was the base zones close to HAZ.

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How to Cite
Preedawiphat, P., Mahayotsanun, N., Sa-ngoen, K., Noipitak, M., Tuengsook, P., Sucharitpwatskul, S., & Dohda, K. (2021). Creep behaviors of ASTM A36 welded joints. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 48(4), 446–455. retrieved from


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