A review of recent trends and status of plastics recycling in industries

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Unatshilidzi Benedictus Khangale
Paul Amaechi Ozor
Charles Mbohwa


This paper reviews and analyses the trends in plastic recycling processes and current practices. The aim is to delineate the effectiveness and efficiency of each technique. The analysis derives from over ninety-five peer-reviewed articles sourced from reputable repositories. The research focuses on a fourteen-year data span (2006 through 2019) to elicit the most recent developments in the field. Detailed analysis and description of each method prepare fertile ground for highlighting the most efficient recycling technique for various plastic types. Based on the study, a glaring waning of recourse to primary recycling is evident, while there is a significant intensification of both research and applicability of secondary and tertiary recycling technologies. Categorically, secondary recycling seems to be the most applicable technique within the study stretch. The results show that there is an upsurge of recommendations for further works on sustainable recycling processes, with much attention to automation, cost efficiency, and green environment. Towards this direction, a vast majority of developing countries are yet to embrace the latest trends, from the standpoint of this research.

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How to Cite
Khangale, U. B. ., Ozor, P. A. ., & Mbohwa, C. . (2021). A review of recent trends and status of plastics recycling in industries. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 48(3), 340–350. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/241852
Author Biography

Paul Amaechi Ozor, Department of Quality and Operations Management, Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of Johannesburg, Doornfontein Campus, 2092, South Africa




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