Prototype of a CNC technology based ‘Adire’ fabric pattern sketcher

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Adewuyi Philip Adesola


This work focuses on the application of CNC technology to designing and fabricating of pattern sketcher for ‘Adire’ fabrics popularly made by the Yoruba tribe in South Western Nigeria. Pattern making, being an operation that requires multi-axial movements of which CNC readily fit in, becomes easier to carry out unlike the local painting of fabrics as is currently being practiced amongst local ‘Adire’ manufacturers. In order to make the production of this machine readily available and affordable, effort is put on the usage of locally available materials where appropriate and efficient, to minimize cost of production and improve local technology. Computer Aided Design software is used for general components design, assembly, and simulation.  Arduino technology is used for motor speed and position control.  Fabrication is carried out in a local workshop using available technology as the benchmark for this prototype’s production.  Testing of computer infused pattern is carried out and comparison made with prototype sketcher’s output. Encouraging results are obtained which could be improved upon.

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How to Cite
Adesola, A. P. . (2020). Prototype of a CNC technology based ‘Adire’ fabric pattern sketcher. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 47(4), 439–446. retrieved from


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