A hybrid model using MaLSTM based on recurrent neural networks with support vector machines for sentiment analysis

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Srinidhi H
Siddesh GM
Srinivasa KG


Sentiment analysis is an ongoing research area in the field of data science. It helps in gathering insights into the behaviors of the users and the products associated with them. Most sentiment analysis applications focus on tweets from twitter using hashtags. However, if the reviews are taken by themselves, more clarity on the sentiments behind them is available. The primary challenge in sentiment analysis is identifying keywords to determine the polarity of the sentence. In this paper, a hybrid model is proposed using a Manhattan LSTM (MaLSTM) based on a recurrent neural network (RNN), i.e., long-short term memory (LSTM) combined with support vector machines (SVM) for sentiment classification. The proposed method focuses on learning the hidden representation from the LSTM and then determine the sentiments using SVM. The classification of the sentiments is carried out on the IMDB movie review dataset using a SVM approach based on the learned representations of the LSTM. The results of the proposed model outperform existing models that are based on hashtags.

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How to Cite
H, S., GM, S., & KG, S. (2020). A hybrid model using MaLSTM based on recurrent neural networks with support vector machines for sentiment analysis. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 47(3), 232–240. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/223697


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