Fuzzy goal programming approach for multi-objective multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem

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Busaba Phruksaphanrat
Saran Jarernsuk


This researchproposesfuzzygoal programming model for multi-objective multi-mode resource constrained
project scheduling problem. Objectives of the problem are minimization of the total time and the total cost of
the project. Currently, objective in a multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem is often
limited to a single objective function.Moreover, all elements of cost functions in a project are not included in
the cost objective function. Incomplete total project cost causes errors in finding the project scheduling time.
In this researchthere methods;1)goal programming, 2) fuzzy linear programming and 3) preemptive fuzzy
goal programming are used to solve the multi-objective multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling
problem. These methods can find the compromise solution of the problem. However, the proposed preemptive fuzzy goal programming is more flexible than the others because it can adjust to find variety of
alternative solutions.

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How to Cite
Phruksaphanrat, B., & Jarernsuk, S. (2014). Fuzzy goal programming approach for multi-objective multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problem. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 41(2), 221–230. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/21793