Dealloying Corrosion of Manganese Aluminium Bronze Propeller: Part I

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Napachat Tareelap
Kaysinee Sriraksasin
Choochat Nitipanyawong
Preecha Termsuksawad


This work is aimed to study mechanism and parameter influencing dealloying of 8Al-8Mn-Cu Manganese Aluminium Bronze (MAB). The results revealed that b-phase was a corrosion onset site or anode as it contained larger amounts of, highly reactive metals, aluminium manganese and nickel than a-phase. Since these reactive metals were leached, copper was left behind. This phenomenon leaded to alteration of electrochemical potential thereby the b-phase turned to be a cathode causing of corrosion propagation to a-phase anode. In addition amount of chloride ions in service environment affected the dealloying of 8Al-8Mn-Cu MAB in this work.

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How to Cite
Tareelap, N., Sriraksasin, K., Nitipanyawong, C., & Termsuksawad, P. (2014). Dealloying Corrosion of Manganese Aluminium Bronze Propeller: Part I. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(4), 561–568. retrieved from