Corrosion-induced cracking time in recycled aggregate concrete (RAC)

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Nattapong Paewchompoo
Wanchai Yodsudjai
Prasert Suwanvitaya
Mitsuyasu Iwanami
Nutpakan Boonyingsathit
Wiracha Thaue
Supisara Kiattanabumrung


The objective of this research was to determine the influence of using recycled concrete aggregates (RCA) on the time for corrosion-induced cracking. Three levels of replacement by recycled aggregates were adopted, i.e., 0%, 50% and 100% by volume. Corrosion of reinforcement was accelerated using DC current. The compressive and tensile strengths were also investigated. The results showed that the reinforcement mass losses of the RCA were 2.5% and 2.4% higher than those of the NAC for 50% and 100% replacement, respectively. The corrosion-induced cracking times of the RAC were 5.6% and 8.6% longer than those of the NAC for 50% and 100% replacement, respectively. Additionally, the Maaddawy’s and Modified Maaddawy’s models were found to be acceptable for predicting concrete cover cracking time.

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How to Cite
Paewchompoo, N., Yodsudjai, W., Suwanvitaya, P., Iwanami, M., Boonyingsathit, N., Thaue, W., & Kiattanabumrung, S. (2020). Corrosion-induced cracking time in recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). Engineering and Applied Science Research, 47(2), 145–152. retrieved from


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