Measuring the city bus service quality based on users’ perceptions: City bus service in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

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Sonita SUM
Sajjakaj Jomnonkwao
Thanapong Champahom
Roodheer Beeharry
Vatanavongs Ratanavaraha


The public transportation service quality continues to be one of the challenges for authorities and transportation stakeholders around the world. In this study, the researchers confront this challenge by identifying key attributes that affect the users’ perceptions on bus service quality in Phnom Penh City. Questionnaire surveys were collected from bus users to measure their perceptions of the bus service quality. After that, data were analyzed using Factor analysis. Twenty-four quality attributes were analyzed utilizing exploratory factor analysis (EFA). This has led to the conclusion that five main factors affecting the perceptions of users regarding the quality of bus services. They are Bus Stop Facilities, Bus Services, Driver Attitude, Bus Capacity, as well as Vehicle Condition. To check whether factor structure is acceptable, confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was applied. In this context, the high factor loading of CFA means those attributes had forceful beneficial effectiveness on city bus service quality. The results of this study will help the authorities and involved stakeholders gain a depth of understanding of the underlying problems of city bus service and consequently will enhance the city bus service quality.

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SUM, S., Jomnonkwao, S., Champahom, T., Beeharry, R., & Ratanavaraha, V. (2020). Measuring the city bus service quality based on users’ perceptions: City bus service in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 47(1), 47–55. retrieved from


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