Studying of physical properties of wasted plastic oil and its effect on small gasoline engine

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Ronnasak Wiwatpreechanon
Adun Janyalertadun
Chumsanti Santaweesuk


This research aims to study the fuel properties, performance, and exhaust of using the fuel made from wasted
plastic oil blended with gasoline 91 on small gasoline engine. The demonstration was operated on the gasoline
engine, one cylinder volume 118 cc., Honda GX 120 T1. The tested fuels were the wasted plastic oil blended with
gasoline 91 in the ratios of 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100 by volume. The blended fuels were tested to
determine the fuel properties following the ASTM standard. Moreover, the blended fuels were tested by operated
on small gasoline engine with full load, 1500 – 1400 rpm. Torque, power, specific consumption rate and exhaust
gas released (CO and HC) were measured. The results showed that when changing the speeds all of tested, the engine performances trend to be good and show no significant difference. In addition, the engine operated by
wasted plastic oil showed smooth running and easy to start. The exhaust gas is within the government standard.

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How to Cite
Wiwatpreechanon, R., Janyalertadun, A., & Santaweesuk, C. (2014). Studying of physical properties of wasted plastic oil and its effect on small gasoline engine. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(2), 229–236. retrieved from