A flexible and low cost checking system for multiple choice examinations

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Natthariya Laopracha
Rapeeporn Chamchong
Phattanapong Chompoowises


This research aims to develop the checking system for multiple choice examinations by using image processing.
The designed system is flexible and convenient for usages with high accuracy and low cost budget. The checking
process contains many steps as the followings. First, an answer sheet is designed by users and then printed by
using the laser or inkjet printers. Next, the answer sheet is duplicated for examinees by photocopy or duplicator
devices. There is no need to use the high quality papersin this system so the budget of the answer sheet copies
is lower. The examinees can use either 2B pencil or pen incolors such as black, blue and red to mark an answer.
The marked answer can be changed byusing mark crossing or an eraser. Finally, the answer sheets are scanned
with flat or feed scanners to the system. The final step is the mark recognition usingthe novel techniques. The
experiment was performed to 696 students with 45 questions.The result has shown that the system can perform
100%accuracy on the mark checking.

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How to Cite
Laopracha, N., Chamchong, R., & Chompoowises, P. (2014). A flexible and low cost checking system for multiple choice examinations. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(2), 221–227. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/19102