Grain size distribution along CHA-AM beach

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Chompoonuth Chiwaruck
Nataporn Hamjun
Phimolmas Philachai
Kirapak Putcharapitchakon
Sompratana Ritphring


Studies of coastal sediment in Thailand are limited. Generally, they investigate appropriate steps for planning
coastal area development, and the construction of engineering structure through short-term surveys in the target
areas. Since sediment transport is caused by waves, understanding this relationship will be beneficial to the
future studies of in-depth coastal engineering related to sediment. This study aims to analyze grain size distribution
along the beach and investigate the relationship between average amount of sediment and distance from the
coast by the collecting 100 sand samples in 10 survey lines around South Cha-Am Beach, Phetchaburi Province
and testing them in the lab. It is found that the wave breaking areas which cut across the beach in the form of
cavity consist of bigger average grain size than other survey lines. In addition, average sediment size tends to
decrease when it is farther from the coast. This study is beneficial to future coastal engineering and other related

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How to Cite
Chiwaruck, C., Hamjun, N., Philachai, P., Putcharapitchakon, K., & Ritphring, S. (2014). Grain size distribution along CHA-AM beach. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 40(2), 213–219. retrieved from