Design of an ADALINE Adaptive Filter Circuit Based on Fine-grained Pipeline Resource-sharing

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Wut Wiriyasom
Nattha Jindapetch
Pornchai Phukpattranont


This article describes a design methodology for digital signal processing circuits in the designlimited by the area constraints. A fine-grained pipeline resource-sharing method is presented. In thismethod, a technique of resource-sharing between operations is applied to minimize the area, and thewell designed fine-grained pipelined floating-point arithmetic circuits are used to increase the speed.The appropriate control circuits, FSMs (Finite State Machines), are also concerned. From theexperimental result, the circuit based on fine-grained pipeline resource-sharing can operate reasonablyfast under the limited resources compared to the fine-grained pipeline circuit without resource-sharingand the circuit based on coarse-grained pipeline resource-sharing. The proposed method is used torealize ADALINE adaptive filter which can work on FPGA Xilinx SPARTAN XC3S200 with highestthroughput of 8.79 Million data-samples per second.

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How to Cite
Wiriyasom, W., Jindapetch, N., & Phukpattranont, P. (2012). Design of an ADALINE Adaptive Filter Circuit Based on Fine-grained Pipeline Resource-sharing. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 34(3), 361–373. retrieved from