High Frequency and High Precision CMOS Half-Wave Rectifier

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Montree Kumngern
Kobchai Dejhan


In this paper, a CMOS precision half-wave rectifier circuit with positive and negative outputsis presented. The proposed circuit composes of a voltage-to-current converter, a precision currentmoderectifier circuit with operating in class-AB to provide the high-frequency capability, and twocurrent-to-voltage converters. A voltage input signal is changed into a current signal by the voltageto-current converter. The class AB current mode half-wave rectifiers rectify these current signals,resulting in positive and negative half-wave current signals that are converted to positive and negativehalf-wave voltage signals by the current-to-voltage converters. The circuit exhibits low MOS counts,high frequency operation, good temperature stability, and suitable of IC fabrication. The simulationresults are used to verify the performance of the proposed circuit. Simulated rectifier performancewith 0.5μm CMOS model using ±1.2V supply voltage shows the proposed half-wave rectifier circuitprovides an operating frequency more than 250MHz and excellent temperature stability.

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How to Cite
Kumngern, M., & Dejhan, K. (2012). High Frequency and High Precision CMOS Half-Wave Rectifier. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 34(2), 217–229. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/1816