Investigation on Air-Gap Torque of Three-phase Induction Motors under Stator Winding Shorted-turn

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Poonsri Wannakran
Vijit Kinnares


This paper presents an investigation on air-gap torque of three-phase 3 hp inductionmotor beneath operating condition of shorted-turn stator winding through air-gap torque at steadystate conditions and 50 Hz sinusoidal mains supply. Voltage and currents data are detected andprocessed with an off-line technique using Matlab. The analysis is performed both in time domainand frequency domain. The frequency domain analysis is based on FFT technique in order toindentify motor faults. The results show that the proposed technique is capable of detectingshorted-turn stator fault at satisfied level.

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How to Cite
Wannakran, P., & Kinnares, V. (2012). Investigation on Air-Gap Torque of Three-phase Induction Motors under Stator Winding Shorted-turn. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 34(2), 203–216. retrieved from