Thermal comfort for air-conditioning in Thailand

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Surat Atthajariyakul


This article presents the principle of thermal comfort, the meaning of predicted mean vote,the comfort conditions and presents the study of thermal comfort in Thailand. Thermal comfortdepends on six quantitative variables: air temperature, air relative humidity, air velocity, meanradiant temperature, human activity and clothing insulation. Thermal comfort also depends onsome qualitative variables: acclimatization to a particular climate, sex, education. Thai peopleacclimatize to hot and humid climate so Thai people can tolerate to higher air temperature thanthe air temperature recommended from ASHRAE. It is hoped that readers can adapt the principleof thermal comfort for energy saving in air-conditioned space.

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How to Cite
Atthajariyakul, S. (2012). Thermal comfort for air-conditioning in Thailand. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 34(2), 141–150. retrieved from