Shrinkage and Compressive Strength Behaviors of Clay Brick Blended with Concentrated Latex IndustryBs Waste Residue
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This research aims to study the utilization of the waste residue from concentrated latex industry asa raw material for clay brick making process, in order to dispose the waste residue from concentrated latexindustry. The experiments were done in laboratory scale and the variation ratios of fat clay and waste residue,100 : 0, 80 : 20, 70 : 30, 60 : 40 and 50 : 50 (w/w) were investigated. The blended materials were bakedat 200oC and then burned at 1,050oC for 24 hours. The burned clay bricks obtained were tested for civilengineering purpose. The results found that the texture of the surface of the waste residue amended claybricks was porous and their weights were lighter than native clay brick weight by 30%. Their linear shrinkagetest showed the percentage of linear shrinkage increased accordingly the increasing of waste residue portionin clay brick. Beside, the waste residue amended clay brick had the compressive strength in range of20-30 kg/cm3 that met the ASTM C-67 clay brick standard.
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How to Cite
Banchapattanasakda, W., Taweepreda, W., Tachapattaworakul Suksaroj, T., & Suksaroj, C. (2012). Shrinkage and Compressive Strength Behaviors of Clay Brick Blended with Concentrated Latex IndustryBs Waste Residue. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 36(4), 283–292. retrieved from
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