Estimation of the Natural Periods of Shear Wall-Frame Structures
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In this paper, an approximate solution of the natural periods of a wall-frame structure is presented.The wall-frame structure is modeled as an equivalent continuum structure consisting of a cantilever beam withspring supported at another end. To simplify the analysis, the lateral stiffness of shear wall is considered to beequivalent to bending stiffness of equivalent cantilever beam. Similarly, the lateral stiffness of frame and theaxial stiffness of columns are equivalent to the spring constant. The lateral free vibration problem of the modelwas then solved. Simple formula is given to calculate the fundamental period of vibration of the buildingstructure. The applicability and accuracy of the method was demonstrated by a numerical example, in whichthe approximate solution is compared to a 3-D finite element model of a 30-story wall-frame building.
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How to Cite
Chetchotisak, P. (2012). Estimation of the Natural Periods of Shear Wall-Frame Structures. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 36(1), 1–8. retrieved from
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