Design & Analysis and Standard Time Study of Jig for Bus Chassis Production

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Usawadee Ongarjwutichai
Somsak Siwadamrongpong


Recently, bus manufacturing is majority built on used chassis. The used chassis will be maintenancebefore assembly. The minority is built on own design chassis. However, the chassis manufacturing processesis quite very long throughputs, which lead to low production rate. This study aims to reduce chassis platformproduction time by designing of production jigs. Chassis technical data and information was collected inCherdchai Industrial. The strength analysis by simulation with ANSYS workbench. It was found that theweakest point has SF 1.60. Moreover, the lock pin also need for changing of materials. Standard time forproduction of each sub-assembly was calculated. It was found that production rate of 2.3 chassis/day isachieved based on 2 workers. The 2 workers yield about 90% increasing in production rate compared to 1worker and %idle less than that of 4 workers. 6 workers with additional 2 jigs yields production rate of 5chassis/day. The additional 2 workers yield about 25% increasing in production rate compared to 4 workerssystem.

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How to Cite
Ongarjwutichai, U., & Siwadamrongpong, S. (2012). Design & Analysis and Standard Time Study of Jig for Bus Chassis Production. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(4), 319–328. retrieved from