Programming in Optimization of Scheduling and Dispatching for RMC Trucks using Genetic Algorithm

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Ladda Tanwanichkul
Attaphol Sirisuwan


Scheduling of dispatching ready mixed concrete (RMC) truck is the heart of RMC transportationsystem. By experience and expectation, error and loss gap of profits often occur because of manuallyscheduling by dedicated staff in the plant. In order to increase business potential, therefore, pScheduling andDispathcing RMC trucks, SDRMCq program has been developed as a support tool in planning scheduling anddispatching using Genetic Algorithm (GA) associated with Just in time simulation technique to find anoptimal solution for this problem. From the case study in Khon Kaen, Thailand, it was found that scheduling ofRMC dispatching from SDRMC have less total waiting time and also reduce number of RMC trucks fortransporting RMC to the site comparing with ones from staffsv scheduling. This shows that SDRMC programcould increase potential of logistics system in RMC plants and industry.

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How to Cite
Tanwanichkul, L., & Sirisuwan, A. (2012). Programming in Optimization of Scheduling and Dispatching for RMC Trucks using Genetic Algorithm. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(3), 191–200. retrieved from