Bidirection True Analogue Switch Based on Two CCIIIs Easy for Measuring Load Power
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A bidirection true analogue switch based on two third-generation current conveyors (CCIIIs) easy formeasuring the load power is proposed. The proposed switch takes advantages over the previous currentconveyor switches in view of the true bidirection operation, the current and voltage transfer, and the outputsfor measuring the load power. Using the supply voltage of ±1.5 V in the SPICE simulation, the proposedswitch yields an operation range between K300 mV and 300 mV with the error of lower than 1%. Moreover, thesimulation shows the switching of a 1 MHz sine wave and the cutoff frequency of about 90 MHz.
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How to Cite
Monpapassorn, A. (2012). Bidirection True Analogue Switch Based on Two CCIIIs Easy for Measuring Load Power. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(2), 161–167. retrieved from
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