A Study of Boiler Efficiency Using Blended Fuel between Glycerin and Heavy Oil Fuel

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Ratchaphon Suntivarakorn
Chatcharin Sakkampang


This paper presents a study of boiler efficiency when using blended fuel between glycerin and heavyoil fuel. Glycerin blended with heavy oil fuel (GHF) was prepared in seven formulas in the ratio of glycerinbetween 10-70% by volume. The blended fuels were tested in a steam boiler in order to determine boilerefficiencies. Results showed that the efficiency of boiler when using heavy oil fuel was 91.72% and wasdecreased with the increasing of the ratio of glycerin. Boiler efficiencies using GHF with the ratio of glycerin at10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% by volume were 89.91%, 89.14%, 88.12%, 87.45%, 86.74%,85.90% and 85.39%, respectively. The result also showed that the quantity of carbon dioxide was decreasedaccording to the increasing of glycerin in GHF, while the quantity of carbon monoxide was increased.However, the emission of carbon monoxide for all GHFs was lower than the quantity controlled by Thairegulation. Moreover, the result was also revealed that the suitable ratio of glycerin blended with heavy oil fuelwas at 40%. This ratio can save 0.0198 baht for one kilogram of steam production. If this ratio is used in 4,700kilograms per hour of steam boiler which operates for 8 hours per day, the payback period will be at 3.58months.

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How to Cite
Suntivarakorn, R., & Sakkampang, C. (2012). A Study of Boiler Efficiency Using Blended Fuel between Glycerin and Heavy Oil Fuel. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 37(2), 109–119. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/1696