Mathematical models of a fluidized bed bioreactor using granular activated carbon (FBBR-GAC) for wastewater treatment

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Rattapol Suksomboon
Chaiyan Junsiri
Sutawan Tangjitjaroenkit
Medhat Mohamed El-Moselhy
Surapol Padungthon


This study aimed to develop mathematical models of a novel recirculation plug-flow reactor (RPFR) and recirculation completely-mixed stirred tank reactors (RCSTR). It was done evaluate and predict wastewater treatment performance using a fluidized bed bioreactor with granular activated carbon (FBBR-GAC). Wastewaters from household washing activities and from an industrial dairy process were used in these experiments. The highest COD removal (>90%) from the two wastewaters were achieved at recirculation ratio (R) of 936. The kinetic results showed that the rate of COD removal from the two types of wastewater used with FBBR-GAC reactors followed 2nd order kinetic models, with k2,RPFR values of 4.68 x 10-2 and 2.81 x 10‑2 mg‑1 Ld‑1for washing and dairy wastewaters, respectively. Additionally, we found that the RPFR model was more suitable for describing the behavior of the FBBR-GAC system than the RCSTR model. The developed RPFR model can precisely predict the effluent COD of wastewater at the optimum rate of recirculation (R) 936, and optimum rate of the bed's stirrer speed (NB) 25 rpm. Based on the optimum R and kinetic model, the developed RPFR model can be used to predict the COD reduction overtime. For a continuous process, an optimal flowrate can be obtained from the HRT that gives the desired COD removal at a given reactor volume.

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How to Cite
Suksomboon, R., Junsiri, C., Tangjitjaroenkit, S., El-Moselhy, M. M., & Padungthon, S. (2019). Mathematical models of a fluidized bed bioreactor using granular activated carbon (FBBR-GAC) for wastewater treatment. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 46(3), 183–191. retrieved from


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