Water Level Measurement using Semicylindrical Capacitance measurement Technique

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Supagorn katathikarnkul
Kanadit Chetpattananondh


This paper presents the water level measurement technique using a semicylindrical capacitancemeasurement. The probe consists of a hollow PVC semicylinder made of covered with a semicylindricalaluminium foil. Capacitance of the probe is proportional to the change in water level and is inverselyproportional to the distance of aluminium foil. The measured capacitance is in the range of picofarad (pF). Thestatic and dynamic responses of the proposed sensor were tested using the modified bridge circuit. Resultsshow that the measured voltage is in the range of millivolt (mV) and is proportional to the variation in waterlevel. In addition, the tested nonlinearity, repeatability, and time responses of the probe are in the range of 0.2second. This technique can be efficiently used in real-time water level measurement. Moreover, it is low cost,easy to use, and portable.

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How to Cite
katathikarnkul, S., & Chetpattananondh, K. (2012). Water Level Measurement using Semicylindrical Capacitance measurement Technique. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 38(2), 179–186. retrieved from https://ph01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/easr/article/view/1612