Stabilization industrial waste of kaolin for road material

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Aroondet Boonsung


This paper presents the result of strength properties of Industrial waste of kaolin improved by cementand fly ash for road material. Series of test were conducted by different content (1) cement (2) fly ashand (3) curing time to determine the appropriated components between cement and fly ash for gettingthe strength according standard criterion. This study found that the strength of industrial waste ofkaolin which is improved by cement and fly ash is rapidly increasing development in early of curingtime. The strength test with unconfined compressive strength (UCS) and California Bearing Ratio (CBR)shown that the strength of the improved kaolin was increased by amount binder and curing timeaccording to the Department of Highway of Thailand.

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How to Cite
Boonsung, A. (2012). Stabilization industrial waste of kaolin for road material. Engineering and Applied Science Research, 39(1), 47–57. retrieved from